PS model ini cocok untuk menghandle power sampai 200 watts.
memakai sistem negatif , sehingga panas TR terserap sempurna ke Heatsink.

Di tes dengan dummy load lampu motor 2 X 12 volt / 25 watts.

Di coba ke power mobil , ternyata tegangan drop nya tidak terlalu signifikan.

Source skema : pak Machmud /


Cocok untuk pemula , sudah mengadopsi fitur PLL. part nya mudah didapatkan.

Sedikit modifikasi yang saya lakuakan.
1. mengganti ic 74ALS74 dengan 74F74N lock nya lebih cepat , kurang dr 3 detik
2. TR 6 ( 2N4427 ) diganti dengan C 2053
3. TR 7 ( 2N4427 ) diganti dengan C 1947 out put di keluarin 1 watts, cocok untuk ngedrive RD15HVF1
4. Mengganti dioda varactor nya dengan transistor.

50 Watts FM broadcast (87,5-108MHz) RF-amplifier

(values in Ohms unless otherwise noted)

R1 = 100 (0,5W)
R2 = 100 (0,5W)


C1,C4 = 65pF trimmer capacitor, yellow (Philips)
C2,C9,C15,C16,C20,C21 = 10pF
C3,C19 = 33pF
C5,C6,C7,C8 = 100pF
C10 = 470pF
C11 = 100nF/100volts
C12 = 47uF/25volts
C13,C14 = 1nF
C22,C23,C24 = 10pF
C17,C18 = 65pF trimmer (Arco)


T1 = BLW60 or BLW60(C)


L1 = 1 turn, 10 mm diameter, 1,5 mm CuAg
L2 = 7 turns, 3 mm diameter, 0,5 mm CuL (closewound)
L3 = 4 turns, 8 mm diameter, 1 mm CuAg (1 mm wire spacing)
L4 = 4 turns, 7 mm diameter, 1 mm CuAg (1 mm wire spacing)
L5 = 4 turns, 9 mm diameter, 1 mm CuAg (1 mm wire spacing)
RFC = VK200 choke


CuAg = silver plated copper wire
CuL = magnetwire, enameled copper wire
(Note: 1 mm CuL equals approx. to AWG18
0,3 mm equals approx. to AWG28)

(I) all diameters are measured from the inside of the coils
(II) make sure to mount the rf-transistor on a appropriate heatsink and use some thermal
heatsink compound between the stud of the rf-transistor and the heatsink!
(Thermal resistance heatsink at least 6°C/W.)
(III) all parts are soldered directly on the toplayer of the pcb.

PCB: 120 x 74 mm (width x height)

Use FR-4 double sided photoresist epoxy pcb material for best results.